What We Do


In today’s digital world, young people being exposed to pornography isn’t a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Pornography is sweeping through our society like a tsunami, and we have yet to see the long-term impacts. By providing strategies that allow parents and kids to work as a team, we can mitigate the harmful effects of pornography on Aotearoa’s young people. 

Tāima Kōrero equips parents and educators with the tools to effectively talk about pornography with young people. By having the right conversations in a timely way, we can reduce the impact of pornography and support our young people to have healthy sexual relationships as adults. 

Tāima Kōrero Workshops 

Tāima Kōrero delivers interactive workshops to:

School parent evenings

Community groups

Faith-based organisations  

Individual family coaching

Educator Professional Development

Youth groups 

Leadership training 

Parent groups

Youth workers

Our workshops equip attendees with the education, tools, and resources to have meaningful conversations about pornography. We focus on the messaging and subtleties of porn and provide practical strategies to address these topics with young people. 

As well as providing tools and resources, we aim to give each participant a sense of hope, community, and reassurance that they can make a positive difference. 

Key topics that we cover

  • We discuss the statistics around pornography, the current digital landscape, and how today’s porn differs from 30 years ago. This section also covers the impacts of porn on young people’s attitudes towards sexuality, consent, sexual behaviour, and the difference between choice and addiction.

  • We focus on providing practical steps to support young people and tools for parents on how to have these tricky conversations. For many participants, learning how to remove the ‘shame’ around porn and create a space for open discussion is the most valuable part of our workshops. It can be as simple as learning conversation-starters and taking a new approach to an uncomfortable topic. This section also covers device management, parenting in a digital world, and how to put safeguards in place at home and in the community.

  • We provide further information about available resources and leadership training. This section also covers how to talk safely with young people, strategies around policies on speaking with young people, and external resources for community leaders. Toolkits are emailed out to all participants following the workshop.


How to book a workshop

For more information on hosting a Tāima Kōrero workshop please visit our Book a Workshop page or email brett@taimakorero.co.nz and he will get back to you with all the information you need to get the process underway.