

“Attending your workshop changed our family’s entire approach to dealing with our boys’ access to online content. We were so shocked at the statistics and details of what kids are actually seeing online, but we now feel really well informed about what’s out there and feel really well equipped to speak with them about sexual content that they may come across. We’ve had numerous conversations with them already about the things they might see and how they might deal with this in different situations. As a result, we feel confident that our boys are somewhat prepared for what is out there, but also comfortable enough to come to us with anything they’re unsure about. Thank you, Brett. You’re making a huge difference to the lives of parents and children in Aotearoa!”.”

Grateful Parents

“Thank you so much for your time at the parent information night last week. Last night we read chapter one of ‘Good Pictures, Bad Pictures’ with our three girls aged 10, 8, and 6 and they all said they had seen pornography already, which was shocking but led to amazing conversation.

“As parents who love their children so fiercely, we were so grateful to now have some resources in being able to speak about these things. The kids absolutely loved it and can’t wait to go through chapter two tonight!”

Parents of Three


“Although it was shocking to hear what is out there and how these websites target our children (including very young children) without them even looking for it, Brett gave parents tools on how to help protect our children from porn. He was realistic, honest, down to earth and stressed parents should not feel guilty. If you ever get the chance we would highly recommend you go and hear him.”

Mum and Dad of Twin Boys

“Creating spaces safe enough for people to follow you into tough, unfamiliar conversations is no easy task, but Brett seems to do it with ease. Having Taima Korero along to our Youth-Focused Professional Development Day was a huge benefit to our community support organisations.

“The material Brett presented wasn’t only relevant for participants in their professional capacities, but a moving challenge for those in the room who were also parents. Taima Korero offers a powerful invitation to be brave in our conversations and the encouraging reminder we’re not navigating these spaces alone. Highly recommend.”

Alyssa Bright, Facilitator for the Violence Free North Canterbury Network


“A quick note to say thanks Brett for a great session with the parents of our High Schoolers. Your presentation really highlighted the need for this talk to happen, thanks for sharing your insight, knowledge and resources. I highly recommend this for parents.

Alan Mills, Pastoral Care, LIFE Church Auckland

“Brett is tackling an issue that is so overt and bewildering in our youth's lives that very few people are talking about, or able to talk about. It is backed with research and presented effectively, giving parents and youth the tools they need. It is invaluable knowledge to actually first know why they should deal with it, and then also how to deal with it. Thanks Brett for taking on this challenge!”

Josiah Jennings, Abundant Life Chinese Church Youth Leader


“Thanks Brett for giving us the encouragement & tools to start the conversation about porn with our kids. Practical enough we have started already. Last night was really helpful stuff to be clued up into the dark side of things our kids are facing. Highly recommend others to do this & get on board. Thanks heaps.”

Mum of Three


“It is frightening what our children have access to but we need to step up, wake up and be brave and inform ourselves of the dangers at our precious children’s fingertips. Brett gave us the info and strategies on how and what to do through any of the difficulties porn presents to our tweens. I highly recommend you to open your minds and learn what is the ‘new drug’ to our children.”

Concerned Da