My Story

Brett Harvey

At age 12 I was exposed to pornography for the first time, which led to an addiction that continued for over ten years and significantly affected my life. Through complete honesty and vulnerability, with support and accountability to others, I now enjoy a porn-free life. 

Raising my children was the catalyst for Tāima Kōrero; I realised that my story isn’t what I want for any of our tamariki, and my journey isn’t a journey that other young people should have to go through. 

Having owned my own Audio Visual & Automation company for 12 years, I decided to shift focus and become part of the solution and moved into the field of helping parents and young people tackle the issue of pornography. 

After extensively studying the harm pornography brings to young people, I developed a suite of tools for helping parents, which are now shared in Tāima Kōrero workshops. During my research, I also discovered that parents often feel isolated and under-equipped to discuss porn with the young people in their lives.  

Tāima Kōrero provides support, tools, and resources for whānau seeking to mitigate the harmful effects of pornography